Acupuncture in Bath
At Calmer Acupuncture, we believe in treating the whole person, not just the immediate symptoms.
Our focus is improving and maintaining your health and well-being in the short and long term.
Debbie graduated with a BSc Honours Degree, in Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine and a Diploma in Obstetrics, Gynaecology and Fertility from the College of Integrated Chinese Medicine
She is qualified in Five Element and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Acupuncture.
Debbie is also a qualified Podiatrist (lower limb specialist) and worked for many years in the NHS specialising in Diabetes and Rheumatology.
I turned to acupuncture to help with severe Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) symptoms when nothing else had worked.
It made such a difference to my symptoms and quality of life,that I wanted to do the same for other people.
Pre authorisation may be required from your insurer prior to treatment.
Acupuncture causes the release of happy hormones (Endorphins) and shows a calming effect on the nervous system, this may be why people report a sense of relaxation associated with treatment. This effect can be particularly beneficial if you are experiencing stress, emotional difficulties or sleep issues.
Acupuncture can be used safely alongside other therapies (Complimentary) and when appropriate, on its' own (Alternative)
Acupuncture is an ancient form of holistic therapy that aims to maintain Energy (Qi) flow around the body, keeping the whole body balanced and healthy.
If Qi becomes blocked due to injury, emotional stress, poor diet or lack of exercise, illness can result.
Acupuncture is the introduction of very fine sterile needles, into specific acupuncture points on the body.
These points were mapped by the Chinese over 2000 years ago.
Acupuncture has become popular across the world and is now also offered as a treatment by the NHS.
It is often used for pain relief for example with migraines, back pain, chronic pain and is also used during labour.
It can be an option for people seeking alternatives to drug therapy.
Stress and Anxiety. This can affects every age group.
It can lead to Irritable Bowel symptoms, sleep issues and affect our overall health.
Acupuncture can help relax the body, improve sleep and help bring the body back into balance.
Menopause and Perimenopause. This can result in a myriad of symptoms from joint pain, night sweats, frozen shoulder, insomnia, brain fog and fatigue.
Acupuncture can support and improve your journey through this challenging phase of your life.
For a full list of conditions that acupuncture may benefit please visit
Acupuncture Research Evidence | BAcC
Moxa is a dried herb that is used to warm areas of the body. This can be useful to relax areas that are painful such as frozen shoulder.
Tui Na is an ancient form of massage. It is performed under or over clothes and is used to help ease pain and release muscular tension.
Cupping as a therapy has become increasingly popular because of its' ability to help move oedema and provide a deep massage to the tissues.
Gua Sha is the use of a smooth blunt tool on lubricated skin and press stroked to elicit changes in the micro circulation.
All of the therapies listed here are used to enhance and support the use of acupuncture.
At your first appointment your acupuncturist will question you about your symptoms but also question carefully about other aspects of your health, lifestyle and diet. Your tongue and pulse will also be checked and this will help them decide on an individual plan for you.
This will last 90 minutes. Cost £75
Subsequent appointments will normally last up to 60 minutes.
Cost £60
The needles used are very thin and acupuncture should not be painful. Some people may feel a tingling or a dull ache as the practitioner adjusts the needle. This is perfectly normal and should not be uncomfortable.
Some patients may feel a little dizzy or sleepy after a treatment. It is important to eat prior to treatment and drink plenty of fluids afterwards.
Occasionally acupuncture can result in a small bruise at the site of insertion.
No. Patients with a bleeding disorder or taking Warfarin should consult their GP to discuss if Acupuncture is appropriate for their individual condition.
Patients who cannot tolerate needles can instead receive acupressure. This involves pressing on the acupuncture points rather than using needles. This is particularly useful for young children.
Acupuncture is suitable for all age groups but for young children and babies, acupressure is easier to administer.
Email: debbie@calmerrooms.com
Calmer Acupuncture
Calmer Rooms
1 Combe Road,
Combe Down
Tel: 07897 308607
Free Parking
BA2 5HX, Bath, Bath and North East Somerset, England, United Kingdom
I work in accordance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
This Policy explains why I collect your personal data, what I do with it, and ensures that I am working in accordance with the GDPR.
When you supply your personal details to me, when we communicate by email, and when I take notes in the clinic, this information is stored and processed for four reasons in line with the GDPR requirements:
1. I collect personal information about your health in order to provide you with appropriate treatment. Your requesting treatment and our agreement to provide that care constitutes in law an (unwritten) contract.
2. I have a legitimate interest in collecting that information, because without it I could not practice acupuncture effectively and safely.
3. I keep records of your contact information so that I can contact you in order to confirm your appointments with me or to update you on matters related to your medical care. This constitutes a legitimate interest.
4. Provided I have your consent (and this only needs to be verbal consent), I may occasionally send you individualised health information by email in the form of articles or advice. I will not send out generalised leaflets or advertisements. You may withdraw this consent at any time – just let me know by any convenient method.
I have a legal obligation to retain your records for 8 years after your most recent appointment (or after you have reached age 25, if this is longer), after which time they are shredded.
Your clinical records are stored only on paper, in individual files, and in a secure cabinet in clinic. They remain in situ, until shredded.
Any emails I might receive are stored on my password protected computer at home and are deleted within three months.
I am the only person who has access to your records and emails. I will never share your information with anyone who does not have a legal right of access without your written consent.
You have the right to see what personal data of yours I hold, and you can also ask me to correct any factual errors. I am legally required to respond to any request from a client to see their personal data within a timescale of 30 days.
In the event that anything should happen to me which would render me unable to oversee your records, then, and only in this event, I would entrust these files to another qualified acupuncturist.
I would ensure that the only people who can access that data have a genuine need to do so. In the case of my practice this would most likely apply in the situation of me needing to make a referral to another health professional.
If you feel that I am mishandling your personal data in any way, you have the right to complain. Please first raise your concern with me, as I hope I will be able deal with any concerns you might have. However, you can also raise a concern directly with the Information Commissioner’s Office on https://ico.org.uk/concerns/